
在國外租房子的時候不知道如何用英語溝通嗎? 不用擔心,只要謹記以下常用句型,保證讓你租屋時再也不會辭窮了!

第一次租房子,要去看房間、屋子或公寓… When you are first organizing an appointment to look at a room, house or apartment to rent

  • My name is… I saw your advertisement of a [ room / house / apartment ] to rent and I’m very interested. (我的名字是...我看到你的租屋廣告,很感興趣。)

  • When would it be convenient for me to view the room please? (請問什麼時候方便看房子呢?)

  • I’m sorry I am only able to view after 6 o’clock (or 6p.m.) in the evening or at weekends due to my work commitments. (不好意思,由於工作關係,我只能在晚上6點以後或週末才有時間過去看房子。)

  • I could view the room in my lunch break between 12 and 2p.m. (我可以在午餐休息時大約在12點到下午2點過去看房子。)

  • So that’s Wednesday evening at 6p.m? I look forward to meeting you. (那就這個禮拜三晚上6點吧?很期待見到你。)

當你見到房東,參觀房子或公寓時… When you meet the landlord and view the room/apartment

  • Does the rent include the costs for water and heating? (房租是否包括水和暖氣的費用?)

  • How much are the [ electricit y/ gas / water ] bills for a year? (一年電/瓦斯/水費需要支付多少錢?)

  • Is there a telephone connection? I need to be able to get internet access. (這裡可以接通電話嗎?我還需要網路連線。)

  • How many other rooms are let in the building? (這棟住宅還有多少房間可以入住?)

  • How many people share the [ bathroom / kitchen ] ? (有多少人共用浴室或廚房?)

  • Is there a laundry room? (有洗衣間嗎?)

  • So this studio apartment has an open plan area which is for living, sleeping and cooking with a separate bathroom? (所以這間套房有一個開放式的區域,可居住、睡覺和烹飪,外加一間獨立的浴室?)

  • So this apartment has an open plan living area with kitchenette, a separate bedroom and a bathroom? (所以這間公寓有一個開放式的客廳與簡便小廚房,外加一間獨立的臥房加浴室?)

  • Do you have an apartment available with its own separate kitchen, bedroom and bathroom? (請問你們的出租公寓是否有獨立的廚房、臥室和浴室嗎?)

  • Is there a [ washing machine / dishwasher ] in the kitchen? (廚房裡有洗衣機或洗碗機嗎?)

  • Do any of the other tenants have children? (其他的房客家裡有孩子嗎?)

  • Am I allowed to redecorate the rooms? (我可以重新裝修這間房子嗎?)

  • How long is the rental lease for? (租約期有多長?)

  • Do I have to pay a security deposit? (我需要付押金嗎?)

  • Have many other people viewed the room already? (已經有多少人看過這間房子了?)

  • When will you decide who gets the room? (你什麼時候能決定這間房子要租給誰?)

  • When would I be able to move in? (我什麼時候可以搬進來呢?)

  • Am I allowed to use the garden at the rear or does that belong to the ground floor apartment? (我可以使用後邊的花園嗎?還是那個花園只屬於一樓的住戶的嗎?)


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